Thursday 13 August 2015

How to survive being bored

16:47    13/8/15

Ok I know I didn't blog yesterday. I'm sorry. I had a hectic day! Today is the complete opposite. I'm completely friendless and alone, yay.
Because I sprained my ankle all my friends are at an athletics camp that I couldn't go to because of my ankle, although I think id be fine.
Then afterwards they all go to eachothers house so here I am. :(
Then I tried to meet up with my other friends but everyone is away so as you can see Im bored AF ;(
So now I give you 

How to survive being bored:

  • Don't be bored in the first place - be proactive blah blah blah positive speech blah blah blah
  • Wallow in your pain for a bit - you're actually doing something which is slightly less boring than being bored
  • Watch Netflix - I suggest a good PLL marathon or a couple of episodes of OUAT or TVD
  • Explore your many talents - by that I mean obsessive reading and searching cute guys on the internet 
  • Paint a picture - who cares if its a stickman it still be lookin fine
  • And finally write - maybe a fanfic, maybe a diary or even start a blog! You never know could be fun!
Hope you guys found this helpful and are less bored than I 

Oh an before you go take a look at my favourite YouTuber!

Tuesday 11 August 2015

How to Survive your Birthday

09:33    11/8/15

Hi everyone! FelishiaX here.
Guess what!
What? You ask in your brain.
ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah ok.
So today I'm gonna write about how to survive your birthday.
What did you get for your birthday? You all ask
Well I got:
  • An Alex and Ani bracelet - it says everything happens for a reason (a very good proverb to live by)
  • A hair straightener from Remington - I love it so much I highly recommend it
  • Sweets - who doesn't live a good packet of sweets!
  • Cola lipsmacker and a sprite lipsmacker - I could do a review maybe
  • A really nice necklace with my name on it - thanks bae x
  • Some watercolour paper - I painted a cow!
  • A real nice owl bracelet - Athena goals AF 
  • €45 worth of book vouchers - whooooooo!
And other stuff!
Anyways now into life hacks. How to survive your birthday:
  1. When all your older relatives come over talk to them for a bit but don't over do it cause you could be stuck there forever. Literally.
  2. It's your day so eat all the crap you want!!!!
  3. Be grateful for everything you get and don't boast about it like I just did whoops......
  4. Have fun and eat cake. Eat a lot of cake m8!
  5. Meow! Sorry what was that got carried away!
So I know that wasn't very informative but don't worry it'll get better......

Leave a comment and tell me how I did!
Until next time,

Monday 10 August 2015

How to Survive a sprained or pulled leg/ankle/foot(?)

21.01    10/8/15

New blogger here! My pen name is FelishiaX. Don't ask or do. I could actually write a whole blog post about that. Maybe I will I you want.
Yes now to the story. How I sprained my ankle:

It was a lovely day. The birds were singing and cattle were grazing and everything was perfect.
Jk I'm not gonna write like that.
It was Saturday and was actually quite sunny for the rainy old place I live. It's my Butthday tomorrow so I was playing basketball with some of my friends. Then BAM one of my best friends lets call him Timmy stood on my foot and bam sprained ankle.
I didn't really mind it was sore I guess but what got me was IM SUPPOSED TO DO ATHLETICS THIS WEEK AND NOW I CANT :(
Its a disaster.
Luckily it's my birthday tomorrow so it's ok! But still it was pretty annoying.
Anyways I think I'm gonna do so life hicks for different situations on this blog.

How to survive a sprained or pulled leg/ankle/foot(?)

  1. Get everyone to wait on you: Ok I know seems a bit selfish but do make sure your foot really hurts and it's too sore to walk if you see what I'm saying.
  2. Eat crappy food: This is a must. I recommend a lot of chocolate, crisps, Doritos, sweets and jellies. Also fizzy drinks do well but do have some strawberries and raspberries they taste just as good.
  3. Rest: Yes that means staying in bed til 4 having a PLL marathon on Netflix. 
  4. Read: Reading relaxes the mind. I suggest titles such as Paper Towns by John Green & a good dose of Wattpad stories can't harm you!
  5. Sleep: zzzzzz sorry what was that?
Hope you enjoyed that! I'm not terribly good at blogging but I'll get better!
QOTP: What's your biggest injury (doesn't include illness!)

Catch you later,